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Nov 08, 14:25

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GPS:Scottsdale, AZ
Gay Massage in Scottsdale, AZ

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Certified Masseur
desertsonbody is a Certified Masseur


Body Type:
5'11" -178 cm
165lbs - 67 kg
Guy Next Door
Body Hair:
Wide Range


2 years
Profile Visits:
Last Login:
Oct 30, 14:12
Member Since:
Jul 31, 2024
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Massage Types I Am Offering

Hot Stone
Deep Tissue

About Me

licensed massage therapist in scottsdale & phx

I am a licensed massage therapist, offering a signature style combining Swedish, Deep Tissue, LomiLomi and Thai Massage techniques of a therapeutic quality. Light stretching and mobility exercises are included if deemed necessary by client and therapist.
Relax and find your bliss.
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desertsonbody'sTrusted Massage Reviews™

With RentMasseur Trusted Massage Reviews™ you can submit a review about desertsonbody or read his reviews by other Clients that have already met him. To ensure and maintain the integrity of RentMasseur Reviews we verify the reviews by communicating with both the Clients and the Masseurs in order to provide you with the most accurate, verified reviews.

Have you met desertsonbody already? We’d love you to write about your experience with him so that other RentMasseur Client Members and site visitors can gain perspective from your experience and have a better idea if QualityMassage is a good fit for them.

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desertsonbody Personal Masseur Interview

Personal Interviewsgive you the opportunity to know the Masseur you are considering to hire better before you make the first step.

Our Personal Masseur Interviewsare a great way to give a little bit of personal and even intimate information about your massage experience. Get to know him better before you call!

Is extensive training necessary for a Masseur in order to be successful?

- It depends how extensive - there should be some type of educational component, whether that's watching massage techniques on video and practicing, or a full-on massage therapy course program like I've done. But some people just have "the touch" and could most likely get by with some basic techniques and a little practice.

Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like your clients to absolutely know about you?

- I care about people and want to nurture their healing journey if I'm able to.

What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

- I like to read (and buy books I don't read), write, make art, and goof around. My "persona" might be serious but if you get know me, I'm silly.

Read all 6 Answers


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