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AllMuscleJock's Personal Masseur InterviewLast Updated: Nov 27, 2019
- I would miss helping so many people feel better and reach their personal goals.
- I believe massage is one of many pathways to peak physical and mental fitness.
- Yes. I have never had a complaint.
- The best experience is by doing -- and anyone with actual experience has a leg up. That's true of any field. However, you can't gain the experience to become successful if you don't take the plunge and just do it. So while massage has a learning curve like anything else, in the meantime you have to have good instincts, be respectful and giving to clients, and make sure you look hot!
- I am primarily a fitness trainer and life counselor. Getting a massage license was an add-on requested by clients, to provide a one-stop-shop health & wellness experience.
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