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AllanLos's Personal Masseur Interview
Last Updated: Aug 03, 2024

Why did you become a Masseur?

- ---对我来说,成为一名按摩治疗师是一段充满意义和成就感的旅程。我叫Allan 一个最近抵达美国的亚洲年轻人,对按摩的热爱和对这种古老艺术形式的深深尊重。对我来说,成为一名按摩治疗师不仅仅是一种职业,而是一种生活方式和使命。我的故事始于中国的一个小村庄,在那里我看着我的母亲在田里工作了几天后用按摩来缓解她的疲劳。小时候,我对这种艺术的神奇触感着迷。我会静静地观察她的技巧,感受她手中的力量和温柔,仿佛每一次抚摸都能卸下身体的负担,带来平静和安慰。长大后,我明白了按摩不仅能缓解身体紧张,还要治愈灵魂。中国按摩融合了Tui Na、穴位按摩和拉伸等技术,不仅促进血液循环和放松肌肉,还协调身心,增强整体健康。被它的治疗能力所吸引,我决心掌握这一艺术,并与他人分享它的好处。我踏上了学习按摩的系统之旅。通过严格的培训,我不仅掌握了各种技术,还深刻了解了按摩背后的哲学和文化。中国按摩强调能量的流动和平衡,通过精确的操作将身体恢复到自然和谐,并培养内心的平静和精神清晰。在每次按摩课程中,我都会完全沉浸在其中,根据每个客户的需求,并用双手传达关怀和温暖。到达美国后,我注意到许多人因工作和日常压力而面临快节奏的生活方式和高度压力。我渴望通过我的手给他们的生活带来宁静和放松。按摩不仅能缓解身体疲劳,还可以在喧嚣中提供和平与舒适的时刻。我建立了一个小型按摩工作室,精心打造了一个温暖而诱人的环境。每个走进门的客户都受到热烈欢迎。我仔细倾听他们的需求和担忧,运用我的技能帮助他们放松和恢复活力。在每次治疗中,我都会调整我的技术和压力,以确保最佳效果,努力使每一次按摩体验都与众不同。作为一名按摩治疗师,我理解这个职业所带来的深重责任。我不断寻求通过持续的培训和研讨会来提高我的技能和服务质量,旨在为我的客户提供尽可能最好的护理。我希望向更多人介绍按摩的好处,并为他们的健康和福祉做出贡献。成为一名按摩治疗师的道路既具有挑战性,又非常有意义。看到客户在会议结束后带着放松的微笑离开,我充满了深深的满足和自豪。我致力于用我的双手给更多的人带来健康和幸福,在他们忙碌的生活中为他们提供和平与治愈的时刻。总之,成为一名按摩治疗师让我实现了我的梦想,并帮助他人实现健康和幸福。这是一个有意义的职业,我致力于不断提高我的技能和服务标准,努力为更多的人带来放松和治愈。

How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

- As a massage therapist, my work and lifestyle provide me with opportunities to interact with different people, helping me understand the importance of balancing work and leisure. Regarding my travel frequency, I usually plan several short trips and one long trip each year. This allows me to relax and recharge, explore new cultures and landscapes, and gain inspiration and energy, which ultimately enhances my massage skills.When it comes to whether I prefer traveling or staying at home, I find both have their own charm. I enjoy traveling because it allows me to escape the daily hustle, immerse myself in new environments, and experience different lifestyles and cultures. Traveling also exposes me to various health and wellness practices, which is beneficial for my professional growth.However, I equally enjoy my time at home. Staying at home gives me the chance to focus on self-improvement, such as reading professional books, practicing yoga, and meditating. These activities not only contribute to my physical and mental well-being but also enhance my professional skills. Moreover, home is a place where I feel safe and comfortable, and I can spend quality time with family and friend

What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

- As a massage therapist, my hobbies and interests are closely related to my profession because I love a healthy and relaxing lifestyle. Outside of work, I enjoy practicing yoga and meditation. These activities help me maintain my flexibility and strength, and they also keep me mentally calm and focused, which is essential for providing high-quality massage services.🌈Additionally, I like reading books and articles related to health, wellness, and human anatomy. This continuous learning not only enhances my professional knowledge but also enables me to offer more targeted massage services to my clients.🌈In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling. Being in nature helps me relax and recharge, while also keeping me in good physical condition, which is very important for a massage therapist.🌈Music is another passion of mine, especially relaxing ambient music and natural soundscapes. I often play this type of music during massage sessions to create a more comfortable and soothing environment for my clients.🌈Overall, my hobbies and interests not only enrich my life but also enhance my professional skills and service quality in many ways. I believe that by cu

Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like your clients to absolutely know about you?

- 💗1.自我介绍和专业背景💗首先,我简要介绍了自己,包括我的名字、职业经历和专业培训。我想让客户知道,我有坚实的基础和丰富的经验,这有助于建立他们对我的信任。例如,我可能会说:“你好,我叫Allan我已经练习泰式按摩4年了,在泰国接受了正规的培训。”💗 2.泰式按摩的历史和原则💆‍♂️我解释了泰式按摩的历史和基本原则,以帮助客户了解这项技术的独特性。我谈论它的起源、发展,以及它如何使用压力、拉伸和扭动来促进体内的能量流动、缓解压力和缓解疼痛。例如,我可能会说:“泰式按摩有几百年的历史。它结合了瑜伽和中医的原理,通过特定的压力和拉伸技术来促进整体能量平衡。”💆‍♂️3。按摩的具体技巧和益处💗我详细介绍了我将使用的按摩技巧及其对身体的的具体益处。这有助于客户了解我在做什么,并感受到我的专业精神。例如,我可能会说:“今天,我将专注于你的背部和颈部,使用深层压力和拉伸来缓解肌肉紧张,改善血液循环。”💗4。客户的健康状况和需求💆‍♂️在按摩之前,我询问客户的健康状况和具体需求,这有助于我调整我的技术,以提供最合适的服务。我询问他们的日常生活和工作,以了解他们是否有任何疼痛或不适的地方。例如,我可能会问:“你花很多时间坐着工作吗?你身体的部位有什么特别不舒服吗?”💆‍♂️5.生活方式和健康建议💗根据客户的健康状况和按摩后的反馈,我提供一些生活方式和健康建议。这不仅反映了我的专业知识,还有助于客户在日常生活中保持健康。例如,我可能会说:“你可以每天做一些简单的伸展运动,特别是你的脖子和肩膀,这可以有效地缓解长时间工作的疲劳。”💆‍♂️6.未来的按摩计划和建议💗最后,我讨论了客户未来的按摩需求和计划,建议定期按摩以保持健康。这有助于建立长期的客户关系,并展示了我的关怀和专业建议。例如,我说:“为了更好地保持健康,我建议每月做一次全身按摩。这可以更有效地预防和缓解肌肉紧张。”😀结论通过这些对话,客户可以更好地了解我和我的专业背景,并更深入地了解泰式按摩。这种沟通增强了他们的信任,💗💗改善了整体服务体验,并有助于建立长期稳定的客户关系。此外,它展示了我对客户的关心和专业态度,进一步提升了我的专业形象。💗

What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a Masseur?

- 💗首先,专注于学习和掌握泰式按摩的基本技巧。泰式按摩不仅仅是施加压力;它是一种需要深入了解解剖学、能量线和每个动作的意义的艺术。我建议报名参加正式的培训课程,并寻求经验丰富的导师的指导,以不断提高您的技能。💗其次,关注客户的需求和反馈。在按摩期间与客户进行有效沟通至关重要。了解他们的健康状况和具体需求,并相应地调整您的技术和压力,以提供最佳服务体验。尊重和关心您的客户,以建立良好的声誉和长期的关系。💗第三,保持良好的身体状况和专业行为。作为一名按摩治疗师,你自己的身体是一个重要的工具。定期锻炼和充分休息,以保持身体和精神状态的最佳状态至关重要。此外,不要忽视职业道德和个人卫生;始终保持专业的态度和行为。💗最后,致力于持续学习和自我提升。泰式按摩是一种不断发展的艺术,新技术和概念不断涌现。通过阅读、参加研讨会和参加专业会议,随时了解行业发展。保持你对这个领域的热情和敏感性,以不断提高你的专业水平。💗我希望这些建议能帮助你在泰式按摩治疗师的旅程中取得成功,为更多人带来放松和健康。

How do you like clients to feel about the experience when they leave?

- As a massage therapist, I hope clients experience deep relaxation and comfort when they leave. I want them to feel relieved and light in their bodies, free from tension and fatigue. Equally important, I aim for them to achieve a sense of calm and tranquility mentally, experiencing inner satisfaction and relaxation. At the end of each massage, I hope clients leave with a smile, feeling thoroughly soothed and content both physically and mentally. This is the ultimate satisfaction and achievement I strive for as a massage therapist.

Some people say that being a Masseur is addictive. Would you miss your Masseur days ?

- 自从我开始做泰式按摩SPA以来,我每天都能遇到不同种族和身份的人。他们丰富了我的世界。事实证明,这个世界太有趣了,东亚人、南亚人、非洲人、拉丁美洲人、美国人、欧洲人等等。我很高兴能和他们交朋友,This job is very interesting and I am working hard to have my own studio, which would be very convenient. There are many other races that I haven’t met yet, but it doesn’t matter, time will give me the answer, and slowly I will get to know friends of more races.

What distinguishes you from all the other Masseurs?

- 每个人的按摩技巧都不一样,每个人都有自己的风格。我不能给别人贴上标签。只要客户满意,这才是最重要的。lol

How long have you been a Masseur and how long do think you'd like to continue?

- I have been a massage technician for almost four years. I only started this job in Beijing in the spring of 2020. This job has opened up a new world for me. I like this job very much. I am very satisfied. I hope to do it until I am 50 years old? Hahahaha

Is extensive training necessary for a Masseur in order to be successful?

- Every successful masseur cannot do without hard training. I was trained by my master for two months in a men's massage shop in Beijing before I could officially take up the job. I mastered my skills to perfection, and customers were satisfied and became repeat customers.

How would you like someone that contacts you for a massage to feel when they leave?

- I hope my customers can give me different opinions so that I can improve my Thai massage skills and make it as perfect as possible and tailor it to each person as much as possible.

Do you consider yourself a successful Masseur?

- To be honest, I am a very qualified Thai massage SPA technician. My master is from Thailand. The techniques he taught us are very authentic. It is a very authentic Thai SPA. I try my best to make every customer very satisfied. If the customer is not satisfied with something, please tell me. I will listen to the opinions humbly and make corrections.

Do you remember your first client ? Tell us something about that first day when you decided to be a Masseur!

- Of course I remember my first client. In the spring of 2020, I went to Beijing from my hometown to find a job. By chance, I was introduced to a Beijing Men's Thai Massage SPA shop by a friend. After two months of training in the massage shop, I officially started working and met my first customer. He was a gentleman from Germany. I was a little nervous about my first job. This gentleman told me not to be nervous and just to be myself. Then I relaxed and gave him a very dedicated massage. He said it felt great, and then we became good friends.

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