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BaileyWinter's Blog
Just Breathe!
It's one of the most natural and simple things to do, but sometimes we forget to "Just Breathe."
We have all had those days, weeks or even months where we feel an abnormal amount of extra stress. It could be from family issues, work deadlines, over commiting one self socially, or even all of the above.
When ever I feel myself approaching that RED LINE, I always make sure to force myself to take 10 minutes, even 5 will work, to just sit down away from my computer and phone, then I close my eyes and just breathe. I make it point to just focus on every breath in and out. Don’t let your brain wander to what’s in your email inbox or what you are going to say to that loved one later.
We all NEED these moments to think only about ourselves and our body. After those 5-10 minutes,if your schedule allows, then you can think about the external factors causing your stress. Make a top 3 things list you will get done for that day. Don't think about anything past the top 3. This will allow you to focus on, and most likely accomplish, the 3 most important things you need to get done and not allow yourself to get distracted with items 5,9...20.
Just breathe. It will be ok!
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