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MasseurDominican's Personal Masseur InterviewLast Updated: Jan 16, 03:34
- Well for me, I typically like to start my day with a cup of hot water with lemon and then do some light stretching. After that, I will either go for a run or do some yoga. Once I've completed my workout, I will take a shower and then begin my client intake..
With my massages i like to light candles play beautiful lounge music set the ambiance if it's an incall I put my electric fireplace on
Ilike to start
with a full-body Swedish massage, followed by a deep tissue massage focusing on any areas that are particularly tight or sore. I finish up with a light foot massage and then apply lotion to my entire body. Let's not forget with the erotic.. I'm in my underwear or not body contact is a must I like to rub my facial hair up and down their back for an erotic touch and then
I guess you'd just have
to find out for yourself
- Successful masseur, I tend to think I am when | massage my clients I love using a variety of techniques when massaging clients. Some of my favorites include Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and trigger point release. I also enjoy incorporating stretching and range of motion exercises into my sessions. I find that using a variety of techniques helps to address the unique needs of each client and helps to promote relaxation and healing. And let's not forget about the erotic side to it
- Addictive.. yes lol There are many rewarding aspects to being a massage therapist. One of the most gratifying things is helping people to feel better and relieving their pain. It is also very satisfying to see the positive changes that occur in people's bodies and minds after receiving massage therapy. Another great thing about this job is the opportunity to meet and work with a variety of people from all walks of life. So yeah, I would miss massaging
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