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SoothingCuddlerr's Personal Masseur InterviewLast Updated: Oct 20, 2023
- When a client leaves, I want him to feel it was time well spent. That they feel relaxed and ready to take on the world.
- Cuddling is addictive too. But even if I stopped cuddling professionally I'd continue cuddling in life. It's like breathing for me.
- See my answer above.
- I'm a homebody. Love Chicago. But sometimes I will travel with a friend.
- I've been a cuddler for 5 years. The sky's the limit.
- I'm also a poet!
- I was trained and certified by a national cuddle organization. And I've read books on various cuddle positions, how to hold space for people. People think that anyone can be a pro cuddler but it's more than just hugging someone. You have to know how to connect with people on their wavelength, how to screen clients that are not a good fit, how to find out what people are seeking and give it to them.
- I became a cuddler because I like to hold people and be held in return.
- I love movies, books, music. Like to try interesting eateries, venues. Immersive art.
- I'd like a client I cuddled with to feel soothed, cared for, affirmed.
- I am a passionate writer. I write about the beauty and horror of life. My new memoir is called THE INVENTION OF FIREFLIES. Some of my books are on Amazon.
- I'd say I'm a medium successful cuddler. I'd like to have more regular cuddle clients. They can see the benefit of touch over a period of time better. I'm just happy to be able to offer the nurturing that I do as it is something I have yearned for at different times in my life.
- My first client on RentMasseur lives close to me. He was fun to talk with. I showed 5 different cuddle positions in the hour and a half. We cuddled on the bed, the futon and the hardwood floor. He wanted to cuddle because his job is stressful and his lover doesn't like to cuddle much. I was happy that he sought me out on the masseur site as a cuddler.
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