Tantrictouched's Personal Masseur Interview
Personal Interviews give you the opportunity to know the Masseur you are considering to hire better before you make the first step.
Our Personal Masseur Interviews are a great way to give a little bit of personal and even intimate information about your massage experience. Get to know him better before you call!
Do you consider yourself a successful Masseur?
I think that all depends on what you consider successful. But, am I happy and lucky 🍀 to be working in a field that I am passionate about. That’s a BIG Yes, I truly am.
I think that’s worth more then success. To just be smiling and happy everyday is enough for me.
How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?
I travel 🧳 all the time due to my other profession. I am a flight attendant 👨✈️ with great travel perks. I was spending on my money on trips I couldn’t afford. So, I figured this would allow me the joy of travelling without putting a huge dent in my bank account.
Do you remember your first client ? Tell us something about that first day when you decided to be a Masseur!
I was living in Brasil when an older gentleman approached me. Said, he couldn’t afford English classes. If he could teach massage, I could teach him English. Best deal I have ever made. ☺️