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How Nutritional Guidance Enhances Massage Therapy?
When massage and nutritional guidance are used in conjunction, there are many potential benefits including:
Digestive improvement - Healthy foods, regular exercise, massage therapy, and using supplements can greatly improve your digestion and bowel issues. Many individuals have found relief from common digestive problems through these therapies.
Immunity - Massage therapy is an effective way to stimulate the immune system. A skilled nutritional counselor and massage therapist can recommend foods and natural supplements to increase your immune functions.
Increased relaxation - Eliminating unhealthy foods and habits can dramatically decrease your stress levels and promote relaxation. Massage therapy has been shown to relax the muscles and improve sleep patterns.
Improved flexibility - Changing unhealthy eating habits and incorporating exercise improves your mobility. Massage therapy can also help the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues to make them supple and flexible.
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