Relaxation and deep tissue specialist
Adam33 - construction, fishing, hunting, reads
Dan52 - veteran, cyclist 🚴, reads and meditates
Offering professional massages! Drape to your comfort level. We go to spa hotels all the time I just wanna pass that experience on to you at our spot and hopefully at a cheaper rate especially for a tandem massage that’s a 4 handed thialand experience. Not just a massage. And we just want to pass that level of high quality of experience and massage and relaxation on to others. Changing the world one massage at a time. “Human to Human” “Heart to Heart” ❤️ thank you for reading this long intro. Just come meet and greet. If you don’t like 👍 us you leave. Namaste 🙏 for more!
In call is $250 Hr for mirror massage (4handed)
Out call is $300Hr for mirror massage (4handed)
-Deep tissue
(Add on’s 2 hour minimum 3 hour maximum)
-Hot stones
-Body Scrub