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ChristopherPDX's Blog
Self and Home Improvement is this months goal
My winter project is remodeling my bathroom. I'm going to gut it to the studs, then replace it with the retro look that the house has but insulation as this old house has none, and new wiring, lighting and redo the cabinets but put in real tile, not linoleum. Just ordered new insulated windows.
Joined 24 hour fitness and been playing the fasting games. SUGAR is my drug that I am coming off of. That one is a challenge. You even have to watch which fruits to replace it with. Come this summer, I should have some improved pics to share.
Health Benefits of Sleeping Naked
Cotton and Bamboo sheets are the best to sleep on. Take a nice warm shower before bed, dry off, then climb into bed naked for a great nights sleep.
Sleeping nude can help your core temperature cool faster and lead to better sleep. Sleeping naked may improve health, intimacy, anxiety, and self-esteem.
Did you know Sleeping naked can increase the production of testosterone. testosterone is secreted during the night. If a male wears tight underwear, this can increase the body temperature, and there will be a disruption in the production of testosterone. This can also affect the quality of sleep.
The Health Benefits of Kissing
Stress relief: Kissing releases chemicals in the brain such as serotonin and dopamine, which are known to reduce stress levels and make U feel good
Anxiety reduction: Lowered stress can also help reduce anxiety and promote an overall sense of wellness
Improved self-esteem: kissing can reduce cortisol levels in your brain, which may help you feel better about yourself
Emotional bonding: Lip kissing induces the release of the hormone oxytocin, which has been linked to causing feelings of affection and attachment.
Lowers blood pressure: Kissing can increase your heart rate, which can in turn dilate your blood vessels and improve blood flow causing decrease in your blood pressure.
Relief from headache: Dilation of your blood vessels can help offer relief from stress-related headache.
Face workout: Lip kissing requires use of 24 facial muscles and can act as a good face workout, helping tighten your facial muscles.
Glowing skin: Lip kissing improves blood flow to skin. Increased blood flow stimulates production of collagen and elastin, which are skin-nourishing proteins.
Compatibility assessment: Kissing can help you determine physical compatibility with a potential partner.
Friend asked if I could help with his Migraine
Where do you massage for migraines?
Neck and Shoulders: Gates of Consciousness and Shoulder Well
The gates of consciousness, also called Feng Chi, refer to two pressure points where the base of the skull joins the neck of the neck. It is believed that applying pressure to these points can help relieve migraines and neck tension.
In my studies, I'm seeing the value of magnesium for good health.
What does magnesium glycinate do for migraines?
- Blood Vessels Tone: Magnesium acts as a natural calcium channel blocker, helping to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, which can prevent the vasoconstriction and Vasodilation associated with migraines.
Got the house Painted by my former room mate
Former room mate needed to earn some money so I hired him to paint the house. House is red with white trim so we kept it that way. My house sits at the dead end of a shared driveway. Front houses have been broken into but mine never has. I don't even get trick or treaters. I went to get the mail today and looked down the driveway at my house which has a full 3 car carport in front of it with my collector cars in it and a horse trailer off to the side. I wonder what the bad guys are thinking of it. Maybe they think it is the garage to one of the 2 front houses. Either way, there is only one way in and one way out and dare anyone drive back, the lights will kick on my alarm (a rooster crows inside the house). I do have a security gate I leave open but no one ever dares to approach unannounced which is good. I had my friend paint one of my 3 sheds red with white trim and it looks great. As soon as I am done with the 2nd aviary, I will paint that one as well as the Tortoise house. I started building one more single garage covering for one of the collector cars to park in for the winter. I might use it for a paint booth this next summer.
Working in the Garden Of Weedin
Saturdays are usually naked yard work and home improvement day but today was not naked weather.I did a boat load of weeding though, and then I needed a break so I built some planter boxes to span 50 feet by 20 feet area. I ran out of chicken wire to staple on the bottom to keep the dang moles off my roots and tubulars and bulbs. So, off to the feed store to get some more tomorrow. Need to get another 50' roll. It will be an enclosure around the fruit trees to keep the giant sulcata tortoise in to keep him from trampling my other plants and leaving poop all over. I have a solar heat lamp with a motor cycle battery for him to have during the cold months. IF it fails, in the house he comes. When he hatched he was the size of a mandarin orange, and now he bigger than a watermelon and 50 pounds. He is a pretty cool pet. He knows his name and if he has full run of the half acre, he will come to me if I call him. Sulcatas are grass eaters but he loves lettuce, non spicy peppers and watermelon and apples. Next project this week on my vacation is building a better aviary barn for the 20 parakeets with solar powered interior lights and a heat source for the butt cold winter.
Why drink water after a massage?
How Does Massage Increase Mobility?
Massage increases range of movement by increasing muscle tissue elasticity. Poor elasticity limits range of movement and is more prone to injury. Massage allows muscle to relax and muscle fibers to be stretched. Stretching muscle fibers increases tissue elasticity and can reduce injuries.It can help improve flexibility and range of motion by increasing blood flow to the muscles and joints. Improved flexibility can help reduce the risk of injury and improve athletic performance
Massaging the muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints stimulates blood flow, relaxes tense muscles, and improves joint range of motion—making the recipient more flexible, improving mobility and balance, and therefore decreasing potential for injury.
Why drink water after a massage?
Massage can be dehydrating. The manipulation of muscles can deplete them of water. By drinking water, you can re-hydrate your muscles for the same reason you'd drink water after exercise and other forms of exertion because when the muscles are worked, they can lose water and electrolytes.
Wild Fire Fighter
This really fit guy came and wanted 5 hours of work done. He has been fighting fires in the wilderness all month and had been having trouble relaxing. He said he had all day and noticed from reading my reviews that I sometimes go over time and invited me to go over time. LOL. It sure was fun working on him and he was so far out of it when it came time to turn over that he couldn't so I had to turn him over on the table. He was so relaxed that when I went to pick his legs up there was no fighting it. It was really easy to work on him from that point on. In the younger years one of my teachers told me that 90 minutes is a good starting point as an hour is just not enough. I sure wouldn't mind having a 5 hour massage.
Rooster Rock State Park
We went to Rooster Rock State Park yesterday and it was packed. We stayed until 8pm. I got in the river and my goal was to not touch ground for one hour. I swam out to the middle wearing only sunglasses. Then I swam east for an hour, then I ran into the tall grasses and I kept thinking the swamp monster was going to drag me down so I turned and swam west almost to the end. I looked at all the eye candy of different bodies of guys standing or sitting or in the water near the edge. I heard some talking about me in why I didn't swim across and get out and how long I was going to stay in the middle. One couple presumed I was super muscular. It was funny. I could get away with staring cause I had sunglasses on and they couldn't tell. Apparently I was in the water and not touching for 3 hours. It was an awesome workout. I'm going again after my 1pm massage. Skinny dipping is so fun
My BF just gave me the best massage ever
BF came from out of town for a visit and help me with home improvements. I love working in the yard "au natural" and so do my visitors. We usually quit around noon and then he surprised me with a great full body deep tissue massage. It was awesome. I learned some new techniques I'm going to incorporate on my next client.
Horse Troff or Trough (english language is crazy)
My back yard is pretty private which is nice. I can mow my whole lawn au natural. I have this cool horse drinking trough in the back yard. I painted the innerds swimming pool blue and then go out and do the morning cold plunge before work. All day long in the hot sun, the water turns really warm, almost hot by the days end. I drain it daily as a watering for the lawn or plants. The other night a client looked out the window and saw the huge yard and I took him to the slider to show him all the fragrant flowers and the pets. He was hesitant at first but when I went out he perked up and said I was lucky to be able to. After seeing the giant tortoise and the aviary, he sighted the plunge tub of fresh water and asked what that was for and I told him. He wanted to try it afterwards so I said OK. He did and loved it. By then the water was pretty warm and he sat in it and soaked for 20 minutes. He said I should make that part of his visit and I said OK until the weather changes then he might want a cold plunge before hand.
A New Stretch
I incorporated a new stretch I have done to a few at the request of the one I started with. Before switching from back to front, I had the guy get up in a kneeling position, bend down until his chest was almost flat and then put his hips up and massage his back to his hams. It is quite the stretch and feels really good. It could feel like an embarrassing position but it really feels great to get massaged when you are all stretched out tight. So far, everyone has liked it, and this makes it much easier for when I do my famous leg and hip stretch massage. I don't know if it is appropriate to show a pic of it on here but I will ask.
One of my clients said I should share this thought
I touch you more than you touch yourself. I touch areas you can't reach and pay attention to. I got to thinking about that and I do.
I've upped my setting and use a different room that is warm, warm enough for all to be naked. I have a heated pad, soft music, or none if desired, my fake bubble fish tank on or off and then my warm oil.
I climb all over the table and use all of me to help in the massage.
I'm told that my touch is unique and favoured. Pretty cool. I love this work opportunity.
WOW! I Had and AWESOME massage last night
I had a great massage last night. 2 hours long. I do trades with a mate of mine. It was great to receive. Receivers are great givers too and everyone needs to get it on a regular basis. I'm enjoying having you, my clients to practice new techniques on. Thank you for letting me work on you. Today I did a long massage on a really fit guy and it was a great pleasure. Now, I am going for a long bicycle ride with this charge up.
It's motorcycle weather now.
I rode my Ninja 500 the other day and it was so exhilarating in the wind and out on the wide roads. It is amazing that when you ride your motorcycle ALL riders acknowledge you coming and going. It is really fun. My helmet stands out like a fire hydrant in a pack of dogs for all ages as well. I will post a pic.
I was thinking that maybe it looks bad when I go longer than the guy books the time for. I always ask if it matters us going overtime and I NEVER expect more money. I always say that it is on me. I have NEVER had any complaints but I thought I should make it known. Sometimes, more work is needed.
When I was a kid we had only 3 ways to get a hold of our friends. 1-call them on the phone, 2-go over to their house, 3-write them a letter. Today, we have those 3 options as well as texts, cells, cbs, ham radio.
Last week I set up an appointment and I have front yard trigger lights because my driveway is so long and as you come down to the house in the dark, the lights trigger on. The front door entry is thru the front carport and it lights up as well. You can see the front door. I usually don't do back to back massage and have at least an hours gap but this time it was 30 minutes. The new client got there early and I saw him as the lights came on but had to rush to the bathroom and thought he would come up to the door. Instead, he texted me and my phone was on the charger. He told me in a text, "I guess you are not here. Going home, not cool"
I got the text 15 minutes too late. The instructions were to come through the carport and ring the door bell. Isn't that why we have door bells? Told him in the instructions that I had a lot of cars as I collect fancy or older cars and they are all mine. He never got out of his car. How weird. Apparently he drove a ways.
Took a Hike This morning.
I have this black lifted jeep. Jeep stands for
Bought it with a rebuilt engine and tranny to go do the Gambler 500 Race with my kids. Thanks to the University of Youtube we have learned a lot about repairs. I just hate working in the cold so I hired a shop to replace the safety neutral switch. They ordered the wrong part so they had to keep it overnight. So, I set off at 8:30 am in the cold to hike back. 4.8 miles in 2 long sleeve shirts, jeans and steel toed hiking boots. Not a good combo for a hike on asphalt. Ever walk down a sidewalk and not pay attention and trip on a lifted concrete slab? re learned a lot. LOL Tomorrow I am riding my bicycle to pick it up. Years of sky diving falls have taught me how to roll thru a fall without getting injured. It was embarrassing though.
I just had an incredible 2 hour full body massage
It's important for the massage givers to get and I have a buddy that I trade with but he always wants to give me more so I feel bad there but he likes to give more than get. I'm pretty solid and thick and he can walk on my back and it feels good. Working out is helping me a lot. I wish he could stretch me like I do for my clients but he is not arm strong. Anyway, it was a great rejuvenating. I think I want to hire some of these other therapists to try them out
Not all Masseurs are Beta males
I recently gave a massage to what he identified as an alpha male. He seemed to think all masseurs were beta males. He berated me and stated that any man that would massage another man is subservient. I asked him why he didn't choose a woman and he said he preferred men. I wondered why he would bash us and yet still want our company touching him. I just did my best as he continued to talk down to me. He was pretty demanding of me and wanted things I didn't want to have part of the massage. He did say it was the best massage he has ever had and wanted a return today. He said I was pretty strong willed for a beta. Said I was also pretty assertive which was unusual. I agreed to come back and he told me to expect more demands. I laughed and said he might want to choose another to fulfill the erotic part he was wanting. He laughed too.
So, I got home, looked up all the definitions and I think I am a Sigma male. It is pretty interesting to examine. Go look it up and see where you fall into.
Beautiful sunshine to work on the horse trailer
Just remembered I offered to take a stranded friend to Bend Oregon. So, loaded the massage table just in case and heading there at noon.
Lucky I love to drive. Oh, and I get to use sunglasses too. WHOO HOO
Visitors Might hear voices and jingling
On the table, during one of the massages, the client lifted his head and asked, "Is someone here? I hear a man's voice!" I stopped and listened for a moment and I could hear a voice saying, "Oh yea, that's it, yeah right there, oooh it's so tight, ah, this feels good!" Then the same voice said, "good bird, good bird, I love you. You wanna come out?" LOL I have had this bird for 25 years and these words are new in her vocabulary. Now, when guests come I introduce them to the parrot, the chihuahua, the tweety bird and sometimes the tortoise. Then I close their doors and massage.
New Fleece Heater Pad for table top
I just got my new fleece heated table top pad and it is so nice. It was suggested by a client and he will be so happy to experience it. I will still continue to use the flannel sheet for the top. I took a nap on it one night after working outside and having a shower and I didn't wake up until the next morning and I still had a great sleep. LOL
Bamboo viscose table sheets
What the heck? Does the fabric you lay on, on the massage table matter?
It matters when regulating body temperature for your comfort during your massage. As we relax our body temperature reduces. When I am working on my clients their temperature rises and falls depending on what I am doing. I find myself draping them to keep them comfortable and so far they are liking that. I've ordered a fleece heat pad and these bamboo sheets that are chemical free. They are due tomorrow.
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