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DrYO's  Blog

Hormonal Changes in Fall and Effects of Massage

7 hours ago

1. Decreased Serotonin Levels: Serotonin is the “happiness hormone” that regulates mood. The decrease in daylight during autumn can lead to a reduction in its production, which may cause feelings of depression or melancholy.
2. Increased Melatonin Levels: Melatonin is the hormone that regulates sleep. The shift in daylight hours during autumn leads to an increase in its levels, which may result in fatigue and sleepiness.
3. Cortisol: In the fall, cortisol levels, the stress hormone, may also rise, leading to increased anxiety and stress responses in the body.
Effects of Massage:

Massage can play a significant role in stabilizing the hormonal balance and improving general well-being during the fall. Here are the key positive effects of massage:

1. Reduction in Cortisol Levels: Massage promotes relaxation, reducing cortisol levels, which helps alleviate stress and anxiety.
2. Increase in Serotonin and Dopamine: Studies show that massage boosts the levels of serotonin and dopamine, which helps combat autumn depression and improves mood.
3. Improved Sleep: By influencing melatonin levels, massage can help improve sleep quality, which is crucial during the short autumn days.

The Impact of Massage on the Nervous s-m & Stress

Oct 18, 20:35

Reduction of cortisol levels: Cortisol is a stress hormone that rises in response to physical or emotional stress. Massage helps lower cortisol levels, which relaxes the body and reduces feelings of anxiety.
2. Increased production of serotonin and dopamine: Massage stimulates the production of “happiness hormones” — serotonin and dopamine, which improve mood and help combat stress.
3. Relaxation of the central nervous system: During massage, the parasympathetic responses of the body are activated, leading to calming effects, reduced heart rate, and normalized blood pressure.
4. Improved sleep: By reducing stress and promoting melatonin production, massage contributes to better sleep quality, which positively affects overall mental and emotional health.
5. Reduction of muscle tension: The nervous system often responds to stress with muscle spasms or tension. Massage helps relax the muscles, promoting a general sense of calm and alleviating physical symptoms of stress.

Key benefits of massage for sleep

Oct 16, 14:55

Sleep well 🤗
1. Reduction of stress and anxiety: Massage helps lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which improves mood and reduces anxiety—both of which are important for quality sleep.
2. Increased relaxation: Relaxing muscles and activating the parasympathetic nervous system during a massage helps the body enter a deep relaxation state, aiding in faster sleep onset and longer, uninterrupted sleep.
3. Improved blood circulation: Massage enhances blood flow, allowing muscles and tissues to recover better, which can be beneficial for those suffering from muscle tension, headaches, or chronic pain that disrupt sleep.
4. Release of oxytocin: Massage stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of trust, comfort, and calm, positively affecting the ability to relax before sleep.

Indications for massage procedures 2

Jul 21, 19:00

5. Chronic diseases of the digestive organs (out of the acute phase): gastritis, colitis, intestinal dyskinesia, peptic ulcer disease (without tendency to bleeding), liver and gall bladder diseases (gall bladder dyskinesia), as well as conditions after cholecystectomy and due to peptic ulcer disease and duodenum.
6. Inflammatory diseases of the male genital area in the subacute and chronic stages: chronic urethritis, prostatitis, vesiculitis. Diseases of the female genital area.
7. Skin diseases (non-infectious): seborrhea of ​​the scalp, acne on the face and body, hair loss.
8. Diseases of the ear, throat, nose.
9. Metabolic disorders (obesity, weight loss, etc.)
10. Headache, sleep disturbance.
11. Increased irritability.
12. Sexual weakness.
13 Diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system: neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, radiculitis with degenerative lesions of the intervertebral discs; 14. Parkinson's disease, polyneuritis after infection and industrial vibration

Indications for massage procedures:

Jul 21, 18:55

1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, including after surgical treatment, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, hypertensive and hypotensive diseases, functional neurogenic disorders of the cardiovascular system, myocardiodystrophy, infectious-allergic myocarditis, heart defects, diseases of arteries and veins .
2. Diseases of respiratory organs: chronic non-specific lung diseases, chronic pneumonia and bronchitis, emphysema, pneumosclerosis, bronchial asthma beyond the stage of exacerbation and diseases and injuries.
3. Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid and other arthritis, dystrophic processes in the joints, ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease), osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc. diseases of the spine, bruises, sprains of ligaments, muscles, fractures, contractures, flat feet, etc.
4. Diseases and consequences of injuries of the central nervous system: traumatic lesions of the system, disorders of cerebral blood circulation, residual effects of poliomyelitis, myolitis with plastic and flaccid paresis, cerebral palsy, obstetric paralysis, etc.

My availability in July!!!

Jun 21, 16:09

Dear friends and regular clients, I would like to inform you that I will not available for massage between 7-16 July during my trip to Spain! ✈️ Please make an appointment before or after my trip!!!
Remind you that I work everyday from 10 am until 10 pm, so welcome anytime! 🤗
Also please text me and not do calls because if I work I can’t speak, also a lot of spam calls!


How to prepare the body for spring! 🌱

Mar 03, 23:41

Spring is a time of love and good mood, a great time for a reboot for your body, as the hormonal system changes its work to a more intensive one.
1. Take vitamins and minerals. It will support your body and immune system.
2. Eat a balanced diet, prefer seasonal vegetables and fruits.
Refrain from excessive consumption of meat, sweets and semi-finished products.
3. Do sports and exercise. This will improve muscle tone, work of internal organs and immunity. I recommend swimming, walking, bike rides, exercises in the gym, etc.
4. Sleep is an important element of health. Try to go to bed on time. Do not use the phone before going to bed, refrain from evening overeating.
5. Avoid stress and chronic fatigue, they accumulate and harm health. Avoid negative people and thoughts, relax more with family and friends.
6. Go for massage and spa treatments! Take care of your body and it will thank you with good health and good looks.

Be healthy and happy!


Happy V. Day 💝

Feb 14, 20:01

Happy Valentine's day my friends! I wish you love and be loved!💝

Cold water and Massage! ❄️❄️❄️

Jan 14, 18:51

Dear friends remember that cold whether it's best time for massage!
It relax you!
It stimulating you hormone system!
It makes you muscles warm and flexible!
It stimulating you immune system!
Welcome to MASSAGE in CHICAGO🤗

Why does massage make you want to sleep? 😴

Dec 15, 2023

Have you ever fallen asleep during a professional massage😴?
There's a reason for this - your muscles relax, and if you're in a darkened, quiet room with your eyes closed, your brain also rests.
Here are some interesting reasons why massage can relax you so much, and whether it can help with sleep disorders.
Human touch and light pressure on the muscles release hormones that help you sleep, namely neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which stabilize emotions and stress.
Massage also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and relaxation.

Is massage useful for sleep disorders?
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder among Americans, affecting one in four. People who suffer from a lack of sleep are more prone to developing diabetes, depression and heart disease.
Massage is a great way to deal with sleep disorders. Many of my clients note a significant improvement in the quality of their sleep after a massage.
The most stupid thing a person can invent, is to save on his health and deny himself pleasure.
Therefore, I invite you to a massage and wish everyone good health! 🤗☝️


Outcall in downtown only Sunday ! 🤗

Nov 07, 2023

Dear friends! Just inform you that I go to Downtown only on Sundays. Let's book hours for a massage at your home.


Nov 03, 2023

During this period, it is important not to forget to take care of your body!

1. Lead an active lifestyle (swim, walk, ride a bike, take a walk in the fresh air, go to the gym)

2. Pay attention to nutrition by eating more seasonal vegetables and fruits. Minimize the consumption of meat, alcohol, flour products, sweets and fast food.

3. Minimize stress in your life.

4. Spend more time with family, relatives and friends.



Nov 02, 2023

1. Massage helps improve blood circulation.
2. The movement of lymph is accelerated.
3. Stimulates weight loss.
4. Immunity is strengthened.
5. The condition of the skin improves.
6. Strengthens muscle tone and elasticity.
7. Promotes acceleration of metabolism.
8. Relieves nervous and mental tension and stress.
9. Promotes regeneration and relaxation of the body.
10. Stimulates the hormonal system of orgasm.


Head massage 🙌💆

Oct 18, 2023

If you are suffering from headaches of unknown origin, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause. Self-medication in this case will do more harm than good.
The scalp is closely connected with the brain, and therefore the impulses launched during exposure to it quickly penetrate the cerebral cortex and limbic structures, harmonizing the work of the whole body. Speaking about massage and acupuncture, we should not forget about Eastern philosophy, which indicates that the entire person is “permeated” with biologically active points, each of which is responsible for the functioning of specific organs and systems.
Scalp massage has been proven to:
-Activates blood circulation and lymph flow.
- Improves nutrition of soft tissues.
- Relieves muscle tension.
- Improves the mood and general condition of the patient.
Indications for head massage.
Head massage is indicated for people with neurological pathologies. First of all, these are neurosis, neuritis, asthenia, chronic stress and fatigue, lack of strength, drowsiness and fatigue, insomnia, headache, decreased concentration, memory loss, encephalopathy and a number of other conditions.

How to best prepare for a massage session.

Sep 05, 2023

Chapter 2
7. If you have an allergy to cosmetic products, inform the Master about it.
8. Share your feelings with the Master. Do not hesitate to inform the Master about the feelings you have during the procedure or the entire course. Each body is individual, and so are the body's individual reactions to certain massage techniques.
9. Remove jewelry that may interfere with a high-quality massage. 10. Do not use the phone during the massage, turn off the sound of calls and notifications. Your body, like your mind and feelings, must be present in the here and now.
11. Tell the Master about your expectations from the massage session. It is important to report any sensitive areas on your body.

How to best prepare for a massage session.

Sep 05, 2023

Chapter 1
1. Before the procedure, take a hygienic shower with detergents and a washcloth.
2. Come for a massage after eating in 1.5-2 hours.
3. You need to come for the massage 5-10 minutes before the procedure. It is preferable to receive a massage in a calm state.
4. Do not use perfumes - perfume, toilet water, cologne before the session. The best smell from a person is the smell of a clean body.
5. Try to get as comfortable as possible on the massage table. An uncomfortable position will make you constantly distracted from the massage therapist's movements.
6. Be honest with the massage therapist. Asking you questions about the presence of diseases in which massage is completely, temporarily or partially contraindicated. Your answers will influence what methods and techniques the Master will use during the massage.

The body's lymphatic system and MASSAGE!

Jun 29, 2023

One of the most important systems in our body is the lymphatic system.
The body's lymphatic system neutralizes and removes various waste products in the form of bacteria and viruses. Excess fluid is also pumped out of the intercellular space. If the functioning is defective, the cleaning is not carried out to the full extent, because of which the immunity and other body systems suffer.
If a person does not move much, then the lymph circulation slows down, due to which the body becomes dirty. The work of the lymphatic system deteriorates with age, which threatens serious problems for health and rapid aging of the body. Due to stagnant phenomena in the lymph, a person feels tired, suffers from increased sweating, problems arise with mucous membranes, skin, and the musculoskeletal system.
Benefits of massage!
Lymphatic drainage massage will help fight all these unpleasant phenomena. Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, kinesiology is necessary for a massage therapist. Entrust your body to real specialists, because without appropriate knowledge, a massage therapist can harm your health.

How Shiatsu acupressure works!?

May 16, 2023

Shiatsu massage is a mechanical effect on biologically active points. Biologically active points are zones on the body in which there are projections of nerve endings that are responsible for certain organs and systems. In total, there are about 700 such points, but often only 150 are used.
With the help of Japanese Shiatsu body massage, you can:
- improve blood circulation
- relieve spasm
- speed up metabolism
- boost immunity
- reduce pain syndrome
- improve the functioning of organs and systems
- improve sleep quality
- help in the treatment of diseases of the internal organs

Facial massage!

May 02, 2023

Facial massage is a popular cosmetology procedure that helps improve the condition of the skin. Facial massage is recommended from the age of 25, and after 30 the procedure should be done regularly.

What are the benefits of facial massage?
• activates blood circulation, improves nutrition of cells with useful substances and oxygen;
• relaxes facial muscles;
• prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
• increases skin turgor and helps to get rid of mimic wrinkles;
• stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
• helps to clean the skin;
• improves skin color;
• tightens the face oval, helps to get rid of the second chin;
• improves lymph flow and helps to remove puffiness.

Facial massage can prevent the appearance of wrinkles and other cosmetic problems, as well as restore youth and beauty.

Palms massage and reflexology

Apr 26, 2023

Reflexology is one of the branches of Eastern alternative medicine; it has many similarities with acupuncture. Reflexology with the help of massaging energy points on the human body is able to influence certain organs. Eastern medicine believes that each energy point has an effect on a certain organ of the human body. It is believed that with the help of a gentle influence on these points, it is possible to remove the "blocking" of energy flows, and thereby ensure the proper functioning of the body's systems and cure certain diseases.

What is visceral massage and why is it needed?

Apr 21, 2023

Visceral massage is a manual action on the internal organs through the abdominal wall with a therapeutic and preventive purpose (from the Latin viscera - entrails).
With the help of pressure, displacement, displacement of tissues, the doctor seeks to restore the physiological state of the organs, eliminate spasms, stagnant phenomena, and restore blood circulation and microcirculation in the organs.
Venous and lymphatic stagnation in internal organs is the basis of many diseases that occur during a person's life. Stagnation, sagging and displacement of organs lead to disruption of metabolic processes and a decrease in immunity. A person, like all living things, is a biological object, and if the blood and lymph circulation is disturbed, the growth of bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses increases, and as a result, various pathologies arise.

Ear massage👂 is the key to the health of the who!

Apr 20, 2023

You can learn about how the human body is arranged, how it functions, how its subsystems work, by analyzing the structure of the auricle. Despite the small surface area, there are about 200 highly active points on it, of which 60 are particularly sensitive and are most often used. All of them are "tied" to specific organs, picking up any fluctuations and dysfunctions. And if you direct a therapeutic effect on them, it will eventually affect the condition of the dependent organs in one way or another.
Welcome to my massage!🤗🙌

Foot massage! 🦶🤗

Apr 18, 2023

Foot massage is a relaxing and healing procedure. The technique is based on the elements of reflexology - impact on biologically active points located on the feet. Massage activates immunity, stimulates blood circulation, helps to relax, relieve tension and relieve pain. After a foot massage session, one feels a rush of strength and lightness. The practice is aimed at natural healing of the body, mobilization of vital forces and improvement of metabolism.

Massage and Energy!

Apr 17, 2023

It is extremely important to trust your body to a person with whom you are comfortable. ☝️ The emotional and energy flows of the massage therapist and the client are combined and an energy exchange takes place. 🙌 It is under such conditions that the highest effect of the healing power of massage is achieved.
Welcome 🤗

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