LuxCosmo's Personal Masseur Interview
Personal Interviews give you the opportunity to know the Masseur you are considering to hire better before you make the first step.
Our Personal Masseur Interviews are a great way to give a little bit of personal and even intimate information about your massage experience. Get to know him better before you call!
What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to go running and I do yoga. Not just for exercise but for my mind and spirit. Writing poetry and songs. I am constantly learning .
Is extensive training necessary for a Masseur in order to be successful?
The more training you have, the more improved your style and technique becomes. Success is an interesting subject also. Everyone's degree of success is different. For some it's monetary, for others it's how much they help people achieve goals. I am asking the Universe to have both.
Do you remember your first client ? Tell us something about that first day when you decided to be a Masseur!
Yes. He was a very sweet and kind man. The energy that day was very magnetic and I could feel his body and my hands vibrating. There was an air of magic in the room that I could not deny. From that moment on I knew this was a calling for me.