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LuxCosmo's Personal Masseur InterviewLast Updated: Nov 15, 2023
- Yes. He was a very sweet and kind man. The energy that day was very magnetic and I could feel his body and my hands vibrating. There was an air of magic in the room that I could not deny. From that moment on I knew this was a calling for me.
- 15 years now. I'm going to continue until I choose to stop.
- That they went on a journey and came through on the other side feeling totally refreshed and renewed.
- The more training you have, the more improved your style and technique becomes. Success is an interesting subject also. Everyone's degree of success is different. For some it's monetary, for others it's how much they help people achieve goals. I am asking the Universe to have both.
- Often. I love to travel. I leave the city for a week every month to clear my head. Europe, Canada, Japan, and South America were fun to experience. I enjoy working and traveling as well. I am also a homebody. I cook all my own meals and enjoy leisure activity's as much as I enjoy being active.
- I have many techniques and tools under my belt from years of training and weave them effortlessly into each session. I ask questions and tune into my clients body, mind, and spirit before even placing my hands on them. I have a great sense of humor and although making sure the clients happiness is top priority, I love to make them laugh.
- Take lots of classes and learn how to be there for your clients. Some people are coming to you to deal with pain but they want to feel good also. Bodies require touch. Tap into your knowing of your own awareness with other people as well. Be patient with yourself and learn different ways on the backend. Websites, marketing, photos, your self care. Give people boundaries immediately and respect yourself and your value.
- I had so much pain in my body on not just a physical level but mentally and spiritually I needed to figure out a way to change it. But through doing this work and helping myself I realized I could help others and it evolved into something much more.
- I love to go running and I do yoga. Not just for exercise but for my mind and spirit. Writing poetry and songs. I am constantly learning .
- Lighter, relaxed, vibrating, happy, joyful.
- I am a very direct and kind person. Boundaries, respect, and honor are very important to me. I don't entertain disrespect or even pander to it.
- Oh yes. I am very grateful to all the clients that have come into my life and had so many success stories from there energy levels, becoming pain free, to the changes that occur in there lives after working with me.
- To me it's an amazing way to facilitate joy for others. I would not ever miss it because I won't stop doing it. Perhaps train people under me but to not continue? Def not.
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