Massage Types I Am Offering
About Me
I work in my highly discreet and private Upper Queen Anne, Seattle studio. I use a brand new, extremely sturdy, heated “Stronglite” table. I use warmed unscented cream / oil. I have a dedicated studio massage space focusing on the pleasure of all the senses.
My sessions can include synchronized breath work with deep, energetic erotic mind body connection.
If you are looking for relaxation, therapeutic, sensual, erotic or a combination of them all. I am skilled at providing a wold class experience. My many years of experience, training, expertise and no attitude approach. Has created many lasting connections and a loyal clientele.
I hope to meet with you soon.
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Williamsmassage'sTrusted Massage Reviews™
With RentMasseur Trusted Massage Reviews™ you can submit a review about Williamsmassage or read his reviews by other Clients that have already met him. To ensure and maintain the integrity of RentMasseur Reviews we verify the reviews by communicating with both the Clients and the Masseurs in order to provide you with the most accurate, verified reviews.
Have you met Williamsmassage already? We’d love you to write about your experience with him so that other RentMasseur Client Members and site visitors can gain perspective from your experience and have a better idea if QualityMassage is a good fit for them.
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William is a very skilled massage therapist. He intuitively knows how to move muscles and ease any tension. I felt revitalized and totally relaxed during and after our session. I highly recommend him.
This was my first massage other than one of those shopping mall chair massages a long time ago. I went in feeling nervous about the experience. William offered me a hug and a glass of water. His presence was calming and reassuring. The table was sturdy and comfortable and the space was small and welcoming. As he started the massage I relaxed and was really able to enjoy my massage. left feeling both relaxed and energized. He is a pro at what he does and was incredibly patient and kind with me. Just what I needed.
Can't wait to visit Seattle again!
William's small studio was cozy and the aromatherapy has always helped me relax the moment I stepped inside.
Book William if you want a real massage -- he knows exactly where your sore spots are and where your body needed the extra attention as if he could read your mind. Every session is custom-tailored just for you -- I've visited him a few times and no 2 massages were the same.
Strongly recommended!
Williamsmassage Personal Masseur Interview
Personal Interviewsgive you the opportunity to know the Masseur you are considering to hire better before you make the first step.
Our Personal Masseur Interviewsare a great way to give a little bit of personal and even intimate information about your massage experience. Get to know him better before you call!
- I was living in a small studio so, the table was set up in my kitchen. I was very nervous but, I quickly made a connection and the experience was fantastic. I new I’d found my calling.
- The best teacher is life experience. Once does not necessarily need extensive training. An intuitive soul and a desire to make others feel great, is really all that is needed for success.
- I have so much fun doing it! I will miss it when I need to step away. I guess it could become addictive for those who are not spiritually centered and, only doing it for the money.
Williamsmassage's Blog
Back home
I’m back in Seattle after some time in the Sun.
Let it snow ❄️
New Year in the desert!
It’s great to back in the sunshine and, connecting with new and old friends and clients.
In Seattle for the Holidays
I’m back in Seattle through the New Year.
I look forward to connecting with new and returning clients.
Enjoy a warm and cozy service
Hot stones, warmed lotion and heated table.
Total bliss 😁
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