Healing and Sensual, Erotic and Transformational
Asheville is home, also available for travel
Body-Centered physical and emotional integrative healing!
Massage for the tired, health challenged or simply curious.Whatever your need is-i have got you! . I am trained, expecrienced and skilled to address not only your body's needs, but also to provide energy healing and emotional relief and guidance.
I work all through (or anywhere on the entire spectrum) from purely healing and therapeutic to fully sensual,Trntric. My gifts and credentials include, but not limited to:
License massage therapist with 15 years of experience including:
*working in upscale spa's in New York City,
*owning my own spa for 2 years,
*traveling as a self-employed masseur through all eastern states.
*serving wide range of cliental from top executives and celebrities to normal everyday people
Experienced, trained and naturally gifted healer:
*Access Bars
*Emotional Integration
Experienced life coach and spiritual consular:
*Intuitive reading
*card reading
*Art of Manifestation hands-on coaching (and actual, particular Art practice, not just advice)
Sensual Healer and Erotic Companion:
*Healthy and vibrant
*welcoming an validation
*Tantrically gifted
*innately loving
I have worked with thousands of people over the years and I strongly believe that one's ability to experience higher realms of erotic pleasure is inseparable from the path of their emotional healing and transformation. Feeling is healing and when we surrender to feeling our true, RAW emotion, we unlock the gate to the highest states of pleasure which is an emotional experience as well! I will hold you with love, neutrality, patience and acceptance, where all of you is welcome, until you melt into your feeling space and surrender into deeper pleasure!
I like live human communication and do best at talking on the phone, or text. I only check my email box ones every other day, so if you are interested in a quick response please call or text: